How to Help Someone with Postpartum Depression? A Guide For Supporting Moms

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a complex, serious mental health condition that affects new mothers following childbirth. It is more than just “baby blues.” It’s a profound emotional and physical challenge that can significantly impact a mother’s ability to care for herself and her newborn. Symptoms can range from severe mood swings and anxiety to a loss of appetite and overwhelming fatigue.

The effects of PPD extend beyond the individual. It can strain relationships, affect bonding with the newborn, and disrupt the family dynamic. Recognizing these challenges is crucial for providing effective support.

First Step is to Recognize the Symptoms

Identifying the signs of postpartum depression is the first step in providing help. Awareness of these symptoms can lead to earlier intervention and support.

Common Symptoms

  • Persistent sadness or low mood
  • Lack of interest in activities previously enjoyed
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Difficulty bonding with the baby
  • Thoughts of harming oneself or the baby

When to Look For Professional Help?

If these symptoms persist for more than two weeks, it’s crucial to encourage the individual to seek professional help. Early intervention can lead to more effective treatment and a quicker recovery.

How to Provide the Right Support?

How to Help Someone with Postpartum Depression support

The journey of assisting someone through postpartum depression is multifaceted, involving a blend of emotional, practical, and professional support. Every individual’s experience with postpartum depression is unique, and so should be the support they receive. It’s crucial to listen attentively and validate their feelings, as this forms the foundation of trust and understanding.

Practical help, such as assisting with household chores or caring for the baby, can significantly alleviate the daily stressors that may exacerbate PPD symptoms. The table outlines these and other critical forms of support, emphasizing the need for a personalized approach. Recognizing the specific needs and preferences of your loved one ensures that the support provided is both effective and meaningful.

Recovery from postpartum depression is often a gradual process, and sustained support is key. The table serves as a reminder of the ongoing nature of support required in such scenarios. Continual emotional backing, practical assistance, and encouragement to stay engaged with professional treatment can make a significant difference in the long-term well-being of someone dealing with PPD.

Ways to Support Someone with PPD Description
Listen and Validate Feelings Offer a non-judgmental ear and validate their experiences.
Provide Practical Help Assist with daily tasks to ease their burden.
Encourage Professional Help Guide them towards seeking professional advice and treatment.
Create a Supportive Environment Foster an atmosphere of understanding and patience.
Maintain Ongoing Support Continue offering support even as they start to recover.

Treatment Options

How to Help Someone with Postpartum Depression medication

Understanding the available treatment options can empower you to guide your loved one towards appropriate help.

Medication and Therapy

  • Antidepressants: Prescribed by a healthcare provider, these can help balance brain chemicals, but you should always be careful.
  • Therapy: Counseling, especially cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT), can be effective.

We can notice a breakthrough in recent years, with oral medicine proven top help women with this condition, and one of the options is brexanolone.

Kristina Deligiannidis, an associate professor at the Institute of Behavioral Science in the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research in Manhasset stated that:

“For women with severe postpartum depression and suicidal ideation who require hospitalization, brexanolone would be a logical choice”.

Alternative Treatments

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity can improve mood and reduce symptoms.
  • Support groups: Connecting with others facing similar challenges can provide comfort and advice.

Integrating Treatment and Support

Combining professional treatment with support from loved ones often leads to the best outcomes. Encourage a holistic approach to recovery.

Supportive Environment is Essential

How to Help Someone with Postpartum Depression pregnant

Creating a nurturing and understanding environment is crucial for recovery. Here’s how you can contribute to a positive atmosphere.

Communication Strategies

Open and honest dialogue is the cornerstone of effective support for someone with postpartum depression. By creating a safe space for them to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment, you can foster trust and connection.

Regular check-ins to understand their needs are essential as they navigate the challenges of postpartum depression. These conversations not only help you stay updated on their well-being but also demonstrate your ongoing commitment to their recovery.

Building a Support Network

Encouraging connections with friends and family is a vital step in providing a robust support system. By strengthening their social bonds, you can help combat feelings of isolation and loneliness often associated with postpartum depression.

Exploring local support groups or online communities can provide your loved one with additional sources of understanding and empathy. These communities offer a platform for sharing experiences and coping strategies with others who are facing similar challenges. Coordinating with other caregivers for consistent support ensures a unified and structured approach to assisting your loved one.

Collaborating with partners, family members, or close friends can distribute the caregiving responsibilities, preventing burnout and enhancing the overall support network.

How People Are Developing This Condition?

How to Help Someone with Postpartum Depression emotional

While it’s important to remember that PPD can affect anyone, certain factors may increase the risk.

Hormonal Changes

One significant factor is the rapid and dramatic hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth. The sudden drop in estrogen and progesterone levels after delivery can affect neurotransmitters in the brain, potentially leading to mood disturbances.

Emotional and Psychological Stress

The emotional and psychological challenges of childbirth and motherhood can also contribute to postpartum depression. Factors such as sleep deprivation, adjusting to a new role as a parent, and the added responsibilities can create substantial stress.

Personal History of Mental Health Issues

Individuals with a history of depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions are at a higher risk of developing PPD. A prior episode of depression can increase vulnerability during the postpartum period.

Lack of Social Support

How to Help Someone with Postpartum Depression mental

A strong support system is crucial during the postpartum period. Isolation, limited social support, or strained relationships can intensify feelings of loneliness and despair, making the development of PPD more likely.

Financial and Socioeconomic Factors

Financial stressors and challenging socioeconomic conditions can also contribute to PPD. Concerns about providing for the baby, lack of access to quality healthcare, and other economic pressures can add to the emotional burden.

History of Trauma

Past experiences of trauma, such as childhood abuse or previous traumatic childbirth experiences, can increase the risk of postpartum depression. These experiences can trigger or exacerbate mental health issues during the postpartum period.


What do you say to someone with postpartum?

Offer empathetic and supportive words. Let them know you’re there to listen and help. Avoid judgment and offer assistance if needed.

What is the 5-5-5 rule for postpartum?

The 5-5-5 rule suggests that, in the first 5 days, focus on rest and recovery; in the first 5 weeks, prioritize bonding with your baby; and in the first 5 months, seek support for any postpartum challenges.

What is the 15-day rule for postpartum?

The 15-day rule emphasizes the importance of rest and recovery during the first 15 days after childbirth. It’s a period for the mother to heal and adjust to her new role.

How long do moms stay in postpartum?

The postpartum period typically lasts for six weeks after childbirth. However, postpartum recovery can extend beyond this timeframe, and support should continue as needed.


Postpartum depression is a challenging condition, but with the right support and treatment, recovery is possible. Your role in providing support, understanding, and encouragement can make a significant difference in the journey towards healing.